Entité de rattachement
ChemBioM Chimie et Biologie des Microorganismes
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Chimie des substances naturelles
Chimie, réseaux moléculaires, biosynthèse


kevin.calabro [at] mnhn.fr
33 (0)1 40 79 56 09

43 rue Buffon

24 allée des crapauds
75005 Paris

Responsabilités dans l'unité

Chargé des collections chimiothèque et extractothèque MNHN




  • Chen Youwei, Sewsurn Steffi, Amand Séverine, Kunz Caroline, Pietrancosta Nicolas, Calabro Kevin, Buisson Didier & Mann Stéphane, 2024Metabolic Investigation and Auxiliary Enzyme Modelization of the Pyrrocidine Pathway Allow Rationalization of Paracyclophane-Decahydrofluorene Formation. ACS Chemical Biology vol. 19, n° 4, p. 886-895
  • Calabro Kevin, Jennings Laurence K., Lasserre Perrine, Doohan Roisin, Rodrigues Daniel, Reyes Fernando, Ramos Carmen & Thomas Olivier P., novembre 2020Nebulosins: Trisubstituted Thiolane Natural Products from the Northeastern Atlantic Annelid Eupolymnia nebulosa. The Journal of Organic Chemistry vol. 85, n° 21, p. 14026-14041
    0022-3263, 1520-6904
  • Miguel-Gordo Maria, Gegunde Sandra, Jennings Laurence K., Genta-Jouve Grégory, Calabro Kevin, Alfonso Amparo, Botana Luis M. & Thomas Olivier P., juillet 2020Futunamine, a Pyrrole–Imidazole Alkaloid from the Sponge Stylissa aff. carteri Collected off the Futuna Islands. Journal of Natural Products vol. 83, n° 7, p. 2299-2304
    0163-3864, 1520-6025
  • Aimond Axelle, Calabro Kevin, Audoin Coralie, Olivier Elodie, Dutot Mélody, Buron Pauline, Rat Patrice, Laprévote Olivier, Prado Soizic, Roulland Emmanuel, Thomas Olivier P. & Genta-Jouve Grégory, janvier 2020Cytotoxic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Ent-Kaurane Derivatives Isolated from the Alpine Plant Sideritis hyssopifolia. This paper reports the isolation and structural characterization of four new ent-kaurane derivatives from the Lamiaceae plant… Molecules vol. 25, n° 3, p. 589
  • Miguel-Gordo Maria, Gegunde Sandra, Calabro Kevin, Jennings Laurence K., Alfonso Amparo, Genta-Jouve Grégory, Vacelet Jean, Botana Luis M. & Thomas Olivier P., mai 2019Bromotryptamine and Bromotyramine Derivatives from the Tropical Southwestern Pacific Sponge Narrabeena nigra. So far, the Futuna Islands located in the Central Indo-Pacific Ocean have not been inventoried for their diversity in marine… Marine Drugs vol. 17, n° 6, p. 319
  • Calabro Kevin, Genta-Jouve Grégory & Thomas Olivier P., avril 2019Structure Revision of Microginins 674 and 690 from the Cultured Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Journal of Natural Products vol. 82, n° 4, p. 1040-1044
    0163-3864, 1520-6025
  • Boente-Juncal Andrea, Álvarez Mercedes, Antelo Álvaro, Rodríguez Inés, Calabro Kevin, Vale Carmen, Thomas Olivier & Botana Luis, février 2019Structure Elucidation and Biological Evaluation of Maitotoxin-3, a Homologue of Gambierone, from Gambierdiscus belizeanus. Gambierdiscus species are the producers of the marine toxins ciguatoxins and maitotoxins which cause worldwide human… Toxins vol. 11, n° 2, p. 79
  • Afoullouss Sam, Calabro Kevin, Genta-Jouve Grégory, Gegunde Sandra, Alfonso Amparo, Nesbitt Robert, Morrow Christine, Alonso Eva, Botana Luis M., Allcock A. Louise & Thomas Olivier P., janvier 2019Treasures from the Deep: Characellides as Anti-Inflammatory Lipoglycotripeptides from the Sponge Characella pachastrelloides. Organic Letters vol. 21, n° 1, p. 246-251
    1523-7060, 1523-7052
  • Bouges Hélène, Calabro Kevin, Thomas Olivier & Antoniotti Sylvain, octobre 2018Unusual Polycyclic Fused Product by Oxidative Enzymatic Dimerisation of 5-methylpyrogallol Catalysed by Horseradish Peroxidase/H2O2. During investigations on the peroxidase-catalysed oxidation of polyhydroxylated monoaromatic substrates such as 5… Molecules vol. 23, n° 10, p. 2619
  • Calabro Kevin, Chalén Bolivar E., Genta-Jouve Grégory, Jaramillo Karla B., Domínguez Cristóbal, De La Cruz Mercedes, Cautain Bastien, Reyes Fernando, Thomas Olivier P. & Rodríguez Jenny, octobre 2018Callyspongidic Acids: Amphiphilic Diacids from the Tropical Eastern Pacific Sponge Callyspongia cf. californica. Journal of Natural Products vol. 81, n° 10, p. 2301-2305
    0163-3864, 1520-6025