Entité de rattachement
CCE Cyanobactéries, cyanotoxines et environnement


claude.yepremian [at] mnhn.fr
01 40 79 32 08

12 rue Buffon
75005 Paris

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  • Responsable du service d’Expertises institutionnelles



  • Roussel Théotime, Hubas Cédric, Halary Sébastien, Chynel Mathias, Duval Charlotte, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Meziane Tarik, Vernès Léa, Yéprémian Claude, Bernard Cécile & Marie Benjamin, janvier 2025Limnospira (Cyanobacteria) chemical fingerprint reveals local molecular adaptation. Microbiology Spectrum , , e01901–24 Publisher: American Society for Microbiology
  • Touceda Inés Seijo, Demay Justine, Duval Charlotte, Yéprémian Claude, Reinhardt Anita & Marie Benjamin, décembre 2024Light and temperature culture conditions impact the metabolome of the cyanobacterium of therapeutic interest Planktothricoides raciborskii PMC 877.14. Cyanobacteria are ancient photosynthetic microorganisms with a long evolutionary history that have adapted to inhabit diverse… Algal Research vol. 84, , p. 103738
  • Pinheiro Menescal Maria Teresa Araujo, Almeida Edna dos Santos, Sales Emerson Andrade, Méjean Annick & Yéprémian Claude, janvier 2023Identification of Cyanobacteria and Its Potential Toxins in the Joanes I Reservoir, Bahia, Brazil. The Joanes I Reservoir is responsible for 40% of the drinking water supply of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, Bahia,… Toxins vol. 15, n° 1, p. 51 Number: 1 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
  • Kim Tiam Sandra, Comte Katia, Dalle Caroline, Delagrange Marine, Djediat Chakib, Ducos Bertrand, Duval Charlotte, Feilke Kathleen, Hamlaoui Sahima, Le Manach Séverine, Setif Pierre, Yéprémian Claude, Marie Benjamin, Kirilovsky Diana, Gugger Muriel et al., août 2022The success of the bloom-forming cyanobacteria Planktothrix: Genotypes variability supports variable responses to light and temperature stress. Cyanobacterial blooms can modify the dynamic of aquatic ecosystems and have harmful consequences for human activities. Moreover… Harmful Algae vol. 117, , p. 102285
  • Hamlaoui Sahima, Yépremian Claude, Duval Charlotte, Marie Benjamin, Djediat Chakib, Piquet Bérénice, Bernard Cécile & Duperron Sébastien, 2022The culture collection of cyanobacteria and microalgae at the French National Museum of Natural History: a century old but still alive and kicking ! Including in memoriam: Professor Alain Couté. Cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae are key players in life on Earth. They have adapted to a broad diversity of ecosystems,… Cryptogamie, Algologie vol. 43, n° 3, p. 41-83
  • Demay Justine, Halary Sébastien, Knittel-Obrecht Adeline, Villa Pascal, Duval Charlotte, Hamlaoui Sahima, Roussel Théotime, Yéprémian Claude, Reinhardt Anita, Bernard Cécile & Marie Benjamin, janvier 2021Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Wound-Healing Properties of Cyanobacteria from Thermal Mud of Balaruc-Les-Bains, France: A Multi-Approach Study. Background: The Balaruc-les-Bains’ thermal mud was found to be colonized predominantly by microorganisms, with… Biomolecules vol. 11, n° 1, p. 28 Number: 1 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
  • Duval C, Hamlaoui S, Piquet B, Toutirais G, Yéprémian C, Reinhardt A, Duperron S, Marie B, Demay J & Bernard C, janvier 2021Diversity of cyanobacteria from thermal muds (Balaruc-Les-Bains, France) with the description of Pseudochroococcus coutei gen. nov., sp. nov.. Cyanobacteria are able to synthesize a high diversity of natural compounds that account for their success in the colonization… FEMS Microbes vol. 2, xtab006,
  • Demay Justine, Halary Sébastien, Knittel-Obrecht A., Villa P., Duval Charlotte, Hamlaoui Sahima, Roussel Théotime, Yépremian Claude, Reinhardt Anita, Bernard Cécile & Marie Benjamin, 2020Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of cyanobacteria from thermal mud (Balaruc-Les-Bains, France): a multi-approach study. , ,
  • Massé Anaïs, Tribollet Aline, Meziane Tarik, Bourguet‐Kondracki Marie-Lise, Yéprémian Claude, Sève Charlotte, Thiney Najet, Longeon Arlette, Couté Alain & Domart‐Coulon Isabelle, 2020Functional diversity of microboring Ostreobium algae isolated from corals. Environmental Microbiology vol. 22, n° 11, p. 4825-4846
  • Escalas Arthur, Catherine Arnaud, Maloufi Selma, Cellamare Maria, Hamlaoui Sahima, Yéprémian Claude, Louvard Clarisse, Troussellier Marc & Bernard Cécile, octobre 2019Drivers and ecological consequences of dominance in periurban phytoplankton communities using networks approaches. Evaluating the causes and consequences of dominance by a limited number of taxa in phytoplankton communities is of huge… Water Research vol. 163, , p. 114893