Research activities:
Chemical ecology and environmental microbiology: Molecular diversity in marine holobionts (marine sponges, corals and associated bacteria), Molecular interactions between microorganisms and their sponge or coral hosts, Role of microbial communities hosted by sponge holobionts (defense, nutrition …)
Bioactive molecules from marine organisms
Supervision of theses:
- Andrea Castaldi (ED 227, MNHN), in collaboration with G. Le Pennec (Assistant Professor at the Laboratoire de Biotechnologie et Chimie Marines, LBCM) “Process of diatom adhesion: towards the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms”, thesis in progress.
- Huibin Wang (ED 227, MNHN), in collaboration with S. Duperron (Professor MNHN, CCE team): “Exploration of the potential of new strains of benthic cyanobacteria from tropical mangroves for the production of new bioactive compounds”, thesis defended on October 16, 2023.
- Germana Esposito (ED 227, MNHN), in collaboration with V. Costantino (Professor, University Federico II of Naples): “Stereostructural studies and biological activities of secondary metabolites from marine sources”, thesis defended on 18 May 2017.
- Cléa Bauvais, (ED IViv, Paris VI), in collaboration with S. Zirah (Assistant Professor, MNHN/MCAM): “Chemical diversity and bacteria associated with S. officinalis, a marine sponge accumulating heavy metals”, thesis defended on 4 March 2015.
- Samuel Dupont (ED IViv, Paris VI), in collaboration with A. Carré-Moulka (Assistant Professor, MNHN/MCAM): ” Biological and molecular diversity of the bacterial compartment of the carnivorous sponge Asbestopluma hypogea”, thesis defended on 29 October 2013.
- Mélanie Roué, (ED IViv, Paris VI), in collaboration with I. Domart-Coulon (Assistant Professor, MNHN/MCAM), ” Contribution of the associated bacterial community to the secondary metabolism of the Mediterranean calcareous sponge Clathrina clathus”, thesis defended on 30 May 2011.
- Elodie Quévrain, (ED IViv, Paris VI), in collaboration with I. Domart-Coulon (Assistant Professor, MNHN/MCAM), “Chemical and microbiological study of a bacterial ecosystem: the case of Leuconia johnstoni”, thesis defended on 29 June 2010.
- Pierre Sauleau, PhD student at the MNHN: “Chemical and biological study of two marine sponges from the Red Sea: Lamellodysidea herbacea and Hyrtios erectus”, thesis defended on 13 December 2005.
- Laurent Calcul, PhD student at the MNHN, in collaboration with Ali Almourabit (Research Director CNRS/ ICSN Gif/Yvette), “Chemical and biological study of the marine sponges Podospongia aff. loveni, Siphonochalina sp. and Xestospongia sp. isolation - bioactivities - approach to the synthesis of alcaloïdes of the benzo[de] [1,6] naphthyridine type isolated from Xestospongia sp.
Collective activities:
Scientific Project Leader:
- Project CNRS MITI “DIAMET : Investigation of adhesion mechanisms in diatoms by metabolomics » (2022-2024)
- Franco-New Zealander Project PHC Dumont D’Urville « Restoring the activity of drugs against resistant bacteria» (2020-2023)
- French-Vietnamese project “Discovery of antimicrobial compounds from some selected microorganisms in the sea of Central region” (Vietnamese head: Dr. Doan Thi Mai Huong, Vice-director IMBC, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2021-2022)
- WP3 of the LIA CNRS TEL France, Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia- Tropical Ecology laboratory (Head: E. Guilbert, 2019-2021)
- Project “marine sponge holobionts” of the French Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam (2017)
- WP1, European Programme PCR7 “BlueGenics- From gene to bioactive product: Harnessing marine genomics for an innovative European blue biotechnology industry, Grant agreement n°: 311848 (2012-2016)
- PICS Vietnam Programme “PORIFALONG” n° 6455 (2014-2016)
- MAEE Bio-Asia Programme “MarSpongAsia” (2010-2012)
- MNHN Transversal Action Programmes (ATM 2010-2021)
- Collaboration contract with the company CoValMar (2008-2011)
- WP1, ANR programme “ECIMAR - Marine Chemical Ecology” (2007-2011)
Organisation of symposia/conferences:
Co-organiser of national and/or international conferences:
- 2023: XVIIth International Symposium on Marine Natural Products (MaNaPro) and XIIIth ECMNP, 3-8 September, Grenada, Spain.
- 2021: XIIth European Conference on Marine Natural Products, 30 August-1er September, Galway, Irlande.
- 2019: XVIth International Symposium on Marine Natural Products (MaNaPro) and XIth ECMNP, 1-5 September, Peniche, Portugal.
- 2017: International Conference on Holobionts, 19-21 April, MNHN, Paris.
- 2014: 1st National Scientific Days of the GDR MediatEC, 28-30 October, CNRS, Paris.
- 2013: 2nd European Bluegenics Meeting “From Gene to Bioactive Product”, 8-9 July, MNHN, Paris.
- 2011: GDR BioChiMar (Marine Biodiversity and Chemodiversity), coordinator of the thematic « Microorganisms and procaryote-eucaryote interactions », 27-29th June, MNHN, Paris, France.
- 2011: MarSpongAsia Conference « Marine natural Products – Potential source of drugs and opportunity for development », 29th-30th November and 1st December, VAST Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2007: Vth ECMNP, 16th-21st September, Ischia, Italy
- 2005: IVth ECMNP, President, 12 th -16 th September, MNHN, Paris.
Other activities:
- Head, Erasmus agreement with the University Federico II, Naples, Italy (2014-2021)
- Co-leader of the Prokaryotic-Prokaryotic and Prokaryotic-Eukaryotic Molecular Dialogues axis, GDR MediatEC “Chemical Mediation in the Environment, Chemical Ecology” (2014-2017).
- Co-leader of the Microorganisms and Prokaryotic-Eukaryotic Interactions cluster, GDR BioChiMar (Inc) (2010-2014).
- Co-leader of the MCAM Unit’s international relations.
- Head of training of the MCAM Unit