The national collection of Zooparasitic nematodes, founded in the 19th century, has been developing since 1960, when the Zoology-Worms chair (A.G. Chabaud, Director) was created, and its diversity now makes it one of the top three collections in the world.

Nematodes are 'round worms' with a marqued bilateral symetry. They represent one of the most abundant taxons among the invertebrates. Among them are many animal parasites such as Ascarididae, oxyurids, hookworms, strongyles, filaria,...


For more information about the collection, see the MNHN site for Zooparasitic nematodes

In charge of  collection

Coralie Martin

Head of conservation


jars containing  nematodes fixed in alcool

Jars containing nematodes fixed in alcool @ MNHN - Coralie Martin

Shelf containing the vast collection of parasitic nematodes

Shelf containing the vast collection of parasitic nematodes @ MNHN -Linda Kohl

Published on: 23/01/2018 12:51 - Updated on: 19/03/2018 14:59