Affiliation entity
ChemBioM Chemistry and Biology of Microorganisms
Interdisplinary research theme
Research support


christine.bailly [at]
01 40 79 56 72

43 rue Buffon

24 allée des crapauds
75005 Paris

Responsibilities inside unit

Chemical library and extract library technical manager and communication correspondent


- Chemolibrarian: structure, coordinate the organization, manage the database and screening requests, enrich and enhance the chemical library and the extractology library of the MNHN; Interlocutor of the Legal Service and the valorisation unit of the MNHN and the CNRS (implementation of MTAs and research collaboration contracts), interlocutor of the head of the CNRS National Chemical Library and the Collections Department of the MNHN.

- Trainer of Chemolibrarians

- Implement isolation / purification strategies, identification of natural products and biopolymers of microbial origin. Apply appropriate extraction methods, separation and sample preparation techniques, structural analyses of isolated products (NMR, mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Performing biological activity tests.


- Communication correspondent, creation of communication media: welcome booklet for entrants, internal letter. Correspondent for the MNHN dissemination, proposal of actions around the history of chemistry at the MNHN.



  • Andrade Milene Aparecida, Mottin Melina, Sousa Bruna K. de P., Barbosa João Alexandre Ribeiro Gonçalves, dos Santos Azevedo Clênia, Lasse Silva Camila, Gonçalves de Andrade Marina, Motta Flávia Nader, Maulay-Bailly Christine, Amand Séverine, Santana Jaime Martins de, Horta Andrade Carolina, Grellier Philippe & Bastos Izabela M. D., 2023Identification of novel Zika virus NS3 protease inhibitors with different inhibition modes by integrative experimental and computational approaches. Biochimie vol. 212, , p. 143-152
  • Leroy Catherine, Spelier Sacha, Essonghe Nadège Charlene, Poix Virginie, Kong Rebekah, Gizzi Patrick, Bourban Claire, Amand Séverine, Bailly Christine, Guilbert Romain, Hannebique David, Persoons Philippe, Arhant Gwenaëlle, Prévotat Anne, Reix Philippe et al., 2023Use of 2,6-diaminopurine as a potent suppressor of UGA premature stop codons in cystic fibrosis. Molecular Therapy vol. 31, , p. 970-985
  • Trzaska Carole, Amand Séverine, Bailly Christine, Leroy Catherine, Marchand Virginie, Duvernois-Berthet Evelyne, Saliou Jean-Michel, Benhabiles Hana, Werkmeister Elisabeth, Chassat Thierry, Guilbert Romain, Hannebique David, Mouray Anthony, Copin Marie-Christine, Moreau Pierre-Arthur et al., 20202,6-Diaminopurine as a highly potent corrector of UGA nonsense mutations. Nature Communications vol. 11, n° 1, p. 1509
  • Ceccaldi A., Rajavelu A., Ragozin S., Senamaud-Beaufort C., Bashtrykov P., Testa N., Dali-Ali H., Maulay-Bailly C., Amand S., Guianvarc’h D., Jeltsch A. & Arimondo P. B., 2013Identification of Novel Inhibitors of DNA Methylation by Screening of a Chemical Library. Acs Chemical Biology vol. 8, n° 3, p. 543-548