DC9's Role in Coastal harmful algal bloom (HAB) Biocontrol!

Dive into Work package 2 (WP2): HAB Management & Aquaculture Support:  unveil potential sustainable HAB biocontrol measures: identify key algal bloom pathogens; examine infection processes at the microscopic level! 🐟 #Biocontrol #Aquaculture #HABs

Advisors: Pieter van West, Bettina Scholz, Harald Rotsch

Location: University of Aberdeen

How to apply for this position
The application deadline for this position was May 6th 2024 and we are not accepting any more applications at this time.

1) Identify, through meta-barcode sequencing, droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), and in vitro culturing harmful diatom and dinoflagellate species and their associated pathogens over a two-year sampling period from affected salmon farms in Scotland. 
2) Obtain pure cultures of algal bloom pathogens (bacteria, chytrids and oomycetes) and their algal hosts via flow cytometric analysis and micromanipulation microscopy. 
3) Investigate the infection process, at the microscopic and molecular levels of up to five antagonists of harmful dinoflagellates and diatoms.

Expected Results: 
1) Community profiles and early detection of HAB and pathogens will be obtained through eDNA sequencing and droplet digital PCR. 
2) Purification and identification of HAB species and their associated bacterial and eukaryotic pathogens. 
3)Characterisation of the disease cycle of up to five of the most voracious HAB-disruptive pathogens.

Planned secondment(s): 
At BioPol with Bettina Scholz to learn isolation with micromanipulation techniques and culturing and maintenance of algal-pathogen interactions. 
At CSIC with Javier Dieguez-Uribeondo to learn phylogenetic analysis. 
At IAGE with Franz Durandet to set up early detection system of droplet digital PCR of algal blooms and their pathogens. 
At OTAQ with Harry Rotsch to help improve the artificial intelligence of the life algal bloom detection system with cultures obtained during the 2-year sampling period.

Published on: 20/01/2024 19:25 - Updated on: 14/05/2024 19:02